Window Graphics Options for Your Business

If you are a business owner, entrepreneur, hobbyist, event planner, or even the neighborhood piano teacher, you can surely benefit from advertising. One of the most effective tools is a vinyl window graphic. Attracting attention on the windows of your business will build more customer traffic. You can place your brand identity where it is the most visible.
What is even more exciting is, now-a-days, you are no longer limited to just putting your displays on your windows. There are products that adhere to walls, wooden floors and ceramic or vinyl floors as well. You can choose whether the indoor or outdoor kind work best for your situation. There are many different types of vinyl to choose from and the variety of graphics is endless. Some of the different types of vinyl graphics include:
- Clear – for windows only
- Textured floor graphics – resists scuffing
- Vinyl – adheres with micro-sphere adhesive
- Film that is permanent
- Static cling – for windows only
- Thick textured – looks like artist canvas
- Chalkboard Vinyl – can use chalk
- Woven polyester – indoor/outdoor and does not fray
- Dry erase – for dry erase markers
- Perforated – easier to apply
- Custom – use your imagination
The chalk board and dry erase board types can be used on walls for business meetings, message boards, menus, etc. The woven polyester fabric types can be used in the interior design of a room. When you combine customization with the fabric style, your imagination can go wild. The fabric type is woven in a way that will not stretch during application and distort the artwork.
The perforated vinyl types are excellent for brick and mortar businesses and car windows. You can see out the window from inside but when viewing from the outside you see the graphics. The specs on each perforated type will tell you the percentage of your overall vision from inside.
There are window graphics ohio businesses that can instruct and guide you in the products that you are looking for. You can apply some signs yourself or ask for their professional help in the application. If you do not want the hassle or are nervous about making a mess of it, the professionals will be more than happy to help.
Carefully study and follow the step by step instructions that come with the signage. Allow plenty of time so you do not feel rushed during this process. Pay particular attention to each step in the preparation of the surface before you apply the sign. Some cleaning products can damage the adherent of your sign.
If you want to apply the perforated type of vinyl signage on a window, here are a few helpful tips in cleaning the window surface:
- Use a razor blade to scrape off any paint flecks, etc.
- Clean window with detergent and water – not Windex type products
- Re-clean with mixture of isopropyl alcohol and water
- Dry with lint free paper towels
Perforated signage allows the bubbles that get underneath to easily escape. Do not apply in direct sunlight or when it is windy. The ideal temperature range for proper application is between 50 degrees and 70 degrees.