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The Difference Between Speed Humps and Speed Bumps

2 min read

Although you may have assumed the difference between “speed bumps” and “speed humps” was mere terms, the two are really different traffic calming remedies with many differentiating aspects of design, appearance, and application. Here is a guide to the major distinctions between these two options.


Parking lot speed bumps have long been widely utilized in the car park to ensure that automobiles are slow-moving to a crawl. This reduces threats for pedestrians by intending to keep vehicle speeds down to concerning 5 miles per hour. The short travel distance to go across a speed bump makes certain an abrupt shock to the vehicle as each axle overlooks, motivating drivers to reduce to avoid discomfort.

Speed humps, on the other hand, have a gentler slowing down feature. Traffic can continue to drive securely at fifteen to twenty-five miles per hour where speed humps exist. As a result of this, speed humps are utilized on public roads, although primarily in houses where the speed limit is relatively reduced. Speed bumps are periodically likewise used on these types of roads, yet this can obstruct traffic flow, so they’re typically saved for exclusive roadways and parking areas.

The reason for these differences in use comes from differences in style. Speed bumps slow traffic more since their greater height, 6 inches, offers a more sudden bump than that of a three- or four-inch-high speed hump. Additionally, the speed hump is normally long enough that the up-and-down changes in road elevation are felt one at a time rather than all at once. Consequently, the speed hump provides two fairly gentle activities as opposed to the shock a speed bump produces.

Our Recommendation:

  • Utilize Speed Humps for public roadways to slow site traffic to a safer speed
  • Usage Speed Bumps for private roads as well as parking lots to reduce site traffic to a crawl